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  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
    1. What You'll Need
    2. Where To Put WordPress
    3. Configuration
    4. Lock Down Your Writable Directories
    5. Uploading Your Installation
    6. Installing WordPress
    7. Finishing
    8. Plugin: Security
    9. Plugin: JetPack
  3. Security
    1. Prevention
    2. Detection
    3. Removal
  4. Updating Wordpress
  5. Removing WordPress
  6. Back Up Your Site
  7. Troubleshooting
  8. Resources

Installing WordPress

If you have followed the instructions carefully so far, you are now ready to finish the installation of WordPress.

In your web browser, go to your WordPress site. An example link is below. You will need to change the highlighted area to match your domain and WordPress installation directory (if using a sub-directory on your CGI Account for your WordPress site).

NOTE: If you had us set your domain to point to your CGI Server account, then omit the cgi. (including the following dot) part of the domain name.

Security Notice:

When filling in a username, try to avoid obvious ones that malware bots may look for, such as "User", "Admin", "WordPress Admin". The easiest and best way is to use your own name or an alias you're known by. You can use a mix of upper and lower case characters and numbers. Be sure to use an underscore character (_) instead of spaces and avoid using other symbols.

You will notice that WordPress fills in a password for you. This is randomly generated. It is recommended that you either use this password or create one yourself using the given password as an example. It's best to use a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and you can also use symbols in your password. Be sure to make it long to deter any bots from guessing it and write it down or otherwise save your login information so that you can remember it later.

The actual installation is very easy. Just fill in the blanks and click the Install WordPress button.


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