What To Do About Domain Expiration Notices (Domain Registries of America (DROA) or Elsewhere)
If your domain was provided by Active Web Hosting and is hosted with us,
DO NOTHING! We automatically renew domains if we
supplied your chosen domain name and it is hosted at Active Web Hosting.
If your domain is not provided by and hosted with us, you
will need to renew your domain name yourself when you get your renewal notice.
Please see
Transferring A Domain to Another Hosting Company
for more information on what you need to do to renew your transferred domain name
should you get a notice. Be sure to verify that the notice is from the hosting
company or registrar that had registered or transferred your domain name and not
from someone else.
For more information on transferred domains, see
Transferring A Domain to Active Web Hosting.
IMPORTANT Information about Some customers have been given a notice that looks much like a bill stating that their domain name is about to expire. The Federal Trade Commission has looked into such notices. If you already sent money to a registrar which did not hold your domain's registration, please call your credit card company (or whatever financial institution you used for payment) and cancel your payment. |
If you find any company that tries to coerce you to register domains with them,
you'll find that they usually charge a very large amount of money by comparison
to our hosting plan. With Active Web Hosting, not only do you get full-service
hosting for only $10 per month, you also get your domain name registered and
renewed free as long as you pay your monthly fee!
Be very careful of "renewal" or other notices regarding your domain. If you
should get one that looks official or looks similar to a bill and is not from
any company that you have registered or hosted with, please contact
the Attorney General in the state where the notice comes from. You can usually
find the state they are from on the return address of the suspicious mailing.
From there you can obtain a complaint form by
calling the state's Attorney General's Office.
Fill out their complaint form and send it along with photocopies of the offending
mailings to the address on the form. You can also file a complaint with the
Better Business Bureau.
In the case of a spam E-Mail, look for a regular mail address which may give clues
to the state where they want you to send payment. If none, then look at the
headers to find the service provider's domain and contact the service provider
to report the spam.
It is always a good thing to take action and turn in to the proper parties any
suspicious mailings or E-Mails as it helps to keep domain registration safe and
secure. Never under any circumstances reply to any E-Mails or call any of
these registry services if you feel they are suspicious. This may cause you to
receive even more spam or mailings.