Welcome to the New Year! We do apologize for the tardiness of this newsletter, as the holidays proved to be
quite a busy time for everyone. However, we do have some important things we would like you to know this
month which will help you get off to a safe start in the New Year.
As we are all well aware, E-Mail viruses and spam have always been quite a problem. Many more are also finding
rejected mail notices in their inboxes which actually are forged. These may even contain viruses as well. In this
month's issue, we'll give you some ideas on how to handle these notices and also the best way to handle E-Mail
viruses. Look in our Announcements and our Question and Answer section for a new (actually re-activated) email
account feature which you may find helpful if you are getting way to much spam and want to remove the account.
Our Webmaster's Workshop this month will deal with redirecting your web site. There may be times when you will
want to do this, in the case of putting your web site on the CGI server, or if you are going on vacation or are
trying to do some updates to your site.
We would like to thank everyone for their support and wish every one a safe and Happy New Year!