How To Set or Unset 'Safe Mode'
Save Mode is a setting for PHP that insures the secure execution of PHP
scripts. This is a server setting and can not be set or unset by you due to
security reasons.
If you are getting script errors that mention that Safe Mode is set, then
you have a couple alternatives. First, you may try to find a file called in the script's include or includes directory,
and after the <?php line, insert a line right under it with
the following code:
define('SILLY_SAFE_MODE', 1);
Note that this may not work in all instances. Also you may have to put this in
another file instead if no file can be found (some
scripts, it won't show up until you actually go through the installation
process first). Another file to try is the or
config.php file. Also note that any file that is created by the script
during installation may not be rewriteable (such as a
file). You'll have to download it from the CGI server to your hard drive,
delete the file from your CGI server, change the file
on your hard drive and reupload it to the CGI server.
If these options do not work, then you may not be able to run the script on our
servers. If you have a script that requires Safe Mode to be set, then
you need not worry as safe mode is already set on Active Web Hosting servers.
You will not need to set this yourself.