Why can't I send E-Mail even though I can receive it?
If you are finding that you can receive E-Mail from your accounts but you are getting errors and not able to send E-Mail, there are several things you can do that may solve this problem.
Be sure to check that your username and password are correct. Note that your username should be your full E-Mail address and not just the user ID.
Some ISPs (Internet Service Providers) do not allow the use of SMTP servers
other than their own in an effort to control spam. They may block the default
port 25 from being used by any other domain than their own. As a
work-around, go into your E-Mail client and find out where you can change the
SMTP Port setting. Change this port to 587. This is Active Web
Hosting's alternate SMTP port and may help get around the ISP port blocking.
Keep in mind that some ISPs block any use of their ports for SMTP other
than from their own domain and thus render even port 587 unavailable for use. In
that case, you need to use your ISP's SMTP server and log in using your ISP
E-Mail username and password. In addtion, you'll want to set the Reply To
E-Mail address in your E-Mail program to your domain E-Mail address you wish to
use so that replies will be sent back to the correct E-Mail address.
There may be a rare occasion where Active Web Hosting's E-Mail server is not functioning correctly or part of it may be down due to routine maintenance if it is down at early morning or non-prime time hours. Please try sending your E-Mail again at a later time. If you experience continued problems with the E-Mail server after trying the above solutions, contact support@activewebhosting.com.