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Changing or Removing Your Information from the WHOIS Domain Name Listing

The WHOIS Domain Name Listing is a listing of who owns what domain. It is searchable through a few search engines such as Network Solutions WHOIS Lookup or TuCows WHOIS Lookup. If you search for your own domain, you will see that your name and contact information, along with other information regarding your domain is listed.

Can I remove my WHOIS information?

It is not legal to keep your real contact information off the WHOIS domain registry listing. It is also illegal to provide a false name, address, phone number, E-Mail address, and other information for the WHOIS listing. When you sign up with Active Web Hosting, you must provide your real name (or your company's name) and valid contact information. This is part of the contract with the domain registry which you agree to when you sign up for hosting. You are welcome to use a valid Post Office box or a business address if you wish. A valid Business name (for which you have to obtain a DBA from your local government office) is also acceptable, if you have one. However, all information must still be valid.

If any of your contact information is found to be false during the verification process, then the domain will be recycled and you will lose that domain.

Protecting Your Privacy

We realize that you may be concerned about privacy if your information is readily available to the public. However, rest assured that it is illegal for anyone to use your WHOIS information to commit a crime against you or use it for spamming or other types of illegal activity.

How To Change Your WHOIS Information

If you move or change your name, your phone number or other contact information, please contact requesting that the WHOIS information be changed, and the new contact information (please indicate what needs to be changed). Remember that all information must be valid. If it is not, then your domain will be recycled and you will lose your domain. Note that any time you make a change, an email will be sent to you with instructions you must follow to verify you wish to make this change. For more information on how to make a change, please see Tucows/OpenSRS ICANN Domain Verification.

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