File Types Allowed On The CGI Server
Any files with normal web content file extensions are allowed on the CGI server.
This means any ascii text (ie. non-binary) file, gif, png, jpg and svg images. Shockwave
Flash files may also be used as part of your site's design template. Keep in mind
that while we may allow these files on the CGI server, bandwidth may be restricted
if the file sizes are too large.
Most other binary file types are not allowed on the CGI server, including
(but may not be limited to) the following formats:
.inc, .dll, .iso, .img, .zip, .rbs, .tar, .tz, .bin, .mp*, .exe, .ra*, .bmp, .doc,
.pdf, .avi, .wm*, .mov, .rm*, .xls, .wav, .bsp, .mdl, .asf, .rbs, .psd, and .wad,
as well as all music, sound and movie files not mentioned above.